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Re: TECH: Sound Change program

From:Roger Mills <rfmilly@...>
Date:Wednesday, April 13, 2005, 17:53
Carsten Becker wrote:
> On Tuesday 12 April 2005 22:34 CEST, Paul Bennett wrote: > > > $C > $Ch / _$V+h > > h > $0 / $Ch$V+_
Doesn't the 2nd rule delete a final h after aspirating the intital C? (That wasn't in the original formulation IIRC. I'm unfamiliar with this particular notation, however-- and may be misreading) ----------------------------------
> > BTW, what would be the rule to insert [delete] a stop after > a nasal of the same POA as the nasal? I mean something like > n/nd/_[+front] or vice versa. Just more general, > [+nasal]/[+nasal][+stop_with_same_POA]/_[+front]. >
In standard Generative Phon. notation: Inserting: (using "a" for "alpha", i.e. any set of features, but identical in the segments involved): [+nas aF] --> [+nas aF][+stop aF]/___[whatever; I don't see how +front would be a relevant env.-- if you mean "before a front vowel" that's odd. Another way, though rewriting 0 is/was dis-favored(1): 0 --> [+stop aF]/[+nas aF]___[whatever] ----------------------------------- Deletion: [+stop aF] > 0/[+nas aF]___[whatever] This is very likely to proceed in two stages (the first of which is actually attested in langs. of my acquaintance): 1. assimilation [+stop (+voi) aF] > [+nas aF] /[+nas aF]__[...] 2. deletion of successive identical segments: [+nas aF] > 0 / [+nas aF]__[...] (Or even, if you consider your N+C as a unit phoneme, say [+stop +nas], then very simply [+stop] > 0 /[__ +nas], so mb > m, nd > n etc.-- however, in those langs. where NC might be considered units, the usual change is NC > C) Rule 2 could be made more general so as to simplify all geminate C or identical vowel sequences; or even more sweeping, to eliminate a (first or second) C or V in _any_ CC or VV sequence. ----------------------------------- (1) But sometimes there's just no way around it; you have to rewrite 0, e.g. in cases where an epenthetic segment is inserted (think Engl. "intrusive r", unless you're going to say that /-r/ is present in the underlying form of e.g "idea"); Buginese, very oddly, inserts a /w/ between identical vowel sequences across morpheme boundary (only a-a, e-e and i-i are affected; u/o+a/i/e trivially so). mélli 'buy', + -i '3sg' > mélliwi 'he buys' bóla 'house' + -e 'def' + -e 'this' > bolaéwe 'this house' míta 'see' + -a? '1sg' > mítawa? 'I see'