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Daily translation 9/27/2000 - way behind on these

From:The Gray Wizard <dbell@...>
Date:Friday, September 29, 2000, 18:20
English:   He that finds discontentment in one place is not likely to find
happiness in another.
amman iar: eluel in orinaudhin erlangiel minde alan esivdil in valin
erurlangiel orimindhe
nathya:    we inoniorthin allanigus mindig infalin es alolaniguil ohimindhig


amman iar:

\f He that finds discontentment in one place is not likely to find happiness
in another
\t eluel      in         urinaudhin
\m eluel      in         ur-  in-      auda    =in
\g fut/A passive- quality =favorable
\p participle ptp        neg- voice-   n       =nsfx
\x who discontent

\t erlangiel                 minde        alan
\m er-  lango -ie      -l    min -de      al   =an   -0
\g do-  find  -agt/thm -actn one -place   it   =masc -[A]
\p agt- v     -val     -vc   qty -adv     3per =gnd  -nom
\x find             he

\t esivdil               in         valin
\m es-       -iv  -dil   in         valin     -0
\g possible- -hab -fut happiness -[P]
\p mood-     -asp -tense ptp        n         -abs
\x may          happiness

\t erurlangiel                    orimindhe
\m er-  ur-  lango -ie      -l    or=    imind      -de
\g do-  not- find  -agt/thm -actn compl= similarity -place
\p agt- neg- v     -val     -vc   pfx=   n          -adv
\x not.find             


\f He that finds discontentment in one place is not likely to find happiness
in another
\t we         inoniorthin     allanigus                    mindig
\m we         in-  oniorthin  al-   lanig -u        -s     min -d     -ig
\g fut        -    discontent it-   find  -habitual -pres  one -place -adv
\p participle abs- n          3per- v     -asp      -tense num -adv   -sfx
\x who        discontent      he.finds           

\t infalin        es          alolaniguil
\m in-  falin     es          al-   o-   lanig -u        -il
\g -    happiness speculative it-   not- find  -habitual -fut
\p abs- n         mood        3per- neg- v     -asp      -tense
\x happiness      may         he.not.find

\t ohimindhig
\m o-   imin -d     -ig
\g not- same -place -adv
\p neg- n    -adv   -sfx
