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Re: Perfect Pitch

From:Tim Smith <timsmith@...>
Date:Friday, July 28, 2000, 1:39
At 05:26 PM 7/24/2000 -0700, Jim Grossmann wrote:
>Good musicianship doesn't require perfect (absolute) pitch. There are some >great singers out there who have only relative pitch. That's what pitch >pipes are for.
In some situations, perfect pitch is actually a handicap. My early music group does a lot of transposing, because in a lot of the stuff we do, the written pitches are very badly suited for our vocal ranges. (In particular, the countertenor parts tend to be too high for tenors and too low for (female) altos.) This would make it really hard for anyone with perfect absolute pitch; they'd always be conscious of singing a different note from the one that's written. But if you're like me, with very good relative pitch but absolute pitch weak enough so that you can pretty much ignore it, transposition is effortless. - Tim ------------------------------------------------------------ Tim Smith "To live outside the law you must be honest." -- Bob Dylan