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Re: infix

From:David Peterson <digitalscream@...>
Date:Thursday, March 22, 2001, 1:52
In a message dated 3/21/01 4:02:31 PM, romilly@EGL.NET writes:

<< I'm curious:  in all this discussion of Arabic, no one has mentioned /mu-/

as in mujahid(in) 'holy warriors', < jihad 'holy war'; I assume it's also

present in Muhammad, and perhaps Mubarak (leader of Egypt).  Are these

lexicalized, or is mu- still as productive as the others? >>

As far as I know, /mu-/ isn't a prefix, it's part of an infix, or actually
part of several, just like /s-/ and /Ist-/ and /ta-/.  But anyway, my point
wasn't to list all the infixes, just to show how infixes can work.  And I was
just making up stuff for Tagalog.  After all, that's what we do best, right?
