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Re: infix

From:Eric Christopherson <rakko@...>
Date:Monday, April 23, 2001, 0:06
On Wed, Mar 28, 2001 at 08:22:13PM -0800, Marcus Smith wrote:
> John Cowan wrote: > > >Which is why "immaterial" becomes "imma-bloody-material", which a > >copy of "-ma-". > > That's attested?! I would have ranked that as about as good as > "ab-fucking-solutely".
Sounds odd to me too. I'd say "imma-*-terial," where * is whichever two-syllable expletive I feel like using. But I can kind of understand duplicating the <-ma->, since <material> is its own morpheme, whereas *<terial> isn't. But anyway, I have heard multiple examples where the expletive is inserted before a non-stressed syllable, so the rule apparently isn't perfect. And Nik said, earlier:
> The expletive takes the primary stress, but leaves the stress pattern > otherwise unaffected: > àbso-fúckin-lùtely > ìnde-góddamn-pèndant
When I hear it, those usually sound like /%abs@%fVk@n"lutli/ (% before secondary stress, " before primary). -- Eric Christopherson / *Aiworegs Ghristobhorosyo