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Re: ADMIN: held list notification

From:Tim May <butsuri@...>
Date:Wednesday, January 22, 2003, 19:43
John Cowan writes:
 > 1) The system of having people notify me privately when the conlang
 > list is held is working fairly well; I am getting the notifications.
 > Let this serve as an acknowledgement once and for all, with my thanks.
 > 2) I am getting one, or at most two, notifications per "hold" event,
 > so let no one feel that their contributions are useless.
Do you want to be notified as soon as we discover the list to be held,
or should we wait until we think it's been silent for "long enough"?
I've always thought "the limit is there for a reason and if it
wasn't held for a few hours at least the system wouldn't work and if i
mail John it'll imply that I think it's been down for long enough
already which is not my decision so let's just go surf the web for a
while" but I can tell you as soon as I notice, if you'd find it


John Cowan <jcowan@...>