--- In conlang@yahoogroups.com, "Isaac A. Penzev" <isaacp@U...> wrote:
Ktebe Thomas R. Wier:
>...>>It would be much fun to see any plausible explanation of language
>...>>based on Genesis 10. Until now I thought there were no professional
>>linguists trying to speculate about such things. I'd love to, but I
>...>>feel myself qualified enough ;)
One can probably do whatever one wants with a myth.
>...> I note that he interprets John 1:1 ("In the beginning was the Word,
> and the Word was with God, and the Word was God") as describing
>...> inherently linguistic nature, but this is IMHO a bad example of
>...>>Now THAT is really weird... He might have never read Targums that
>...>>"memra" ('saying' in Aramaic) to denote God's personal acts in
>>relation to the physical world...
It is my understanding that the Hebrew "dabar" (which
underlies "logos") also means both "word" & "action."
-- Yitzik
"ve zot ha-torah asher sam moshe lifnei bnei yisrael"
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