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Parable of the Good Samaritan in gjax-zym-byn

From:Jim Henry <jacklongshadow@...>
Date:Friday, April 15, 2005, 17:02
Here is the parable of the Good Samaritan from Luke 10:25-37,
translated from Greek (Textus receptus) into my conlang gjax-zym-byn
(with comparison of several modern translations; I am not
good enough at Greek yet to do this on my own).  The English text
following each verse in gzb is a translation of the gzb text, and
shows a minor "telephone" effect compared with English translations
direct from Greek.

The abbreviations are either standard ones from the Leipzig
Glossing Rules ( )
or are glossed at the bottom of this document.  Abbreviations only used once
are glossed right after the verse they appear in.


zxiq-gxax-tla            soq     goq.
study-law-[professional] certain behold.

su       jax-o    pq tu-i,   kujm-sqar     [jesxua-ram] kax-i
standing state-to 3  AGT-at  reason-CONJ   Jesus-NAME   ATT-at

hqiq-zox,   kinq twax-zox     pqoq: {?rynq-noq-zox mwe,
test-V.ACT  and  saying-V.ACT QUOTE   do-Q.WH-V.ACT   IMP

kujm-sqar   zunq pjylm-ta         miq-i  kq sxu-o.}
reason-CONJ life boundary-without TOP-at 1  have.quality-to

Behold a certain lawyer.  He stood up, in order to test Jesus,
and said: "What must I do to obtain endless life?"

(The original has [auton] "him" for Jesus here, but since I've taken
this passage out of context, I supply the proper name the first time
he is mentioned in this passage.

The phrase {kq sxu-o} loses the specific sense of [kleronomeso], "to
inherit".  There is no single verb in gzb meaning "to inherit"; if
that were literally intended, I would render it as "kq sxu-o woqj [max
kwoq] jqaxr-i zunq-cox jax-o": "receive because [someone] dies".
Since "inherit" seems here to be a picturesque way of saying "come to
possess" and doesn't imply a benefactor dying (in this context), I
declined to be so verbose.)


moqj pq nxaxw-o    pq-kxa tu-i   twax-zox     pxoq:
but  3  call-to    3-RESP AGT-at saying-V.ACT QUOTE

{?twax     noq   miq-i twax-cu-gxax         i-m        ?ru     noq
  sentence Q.WH  TOP-at sentence-system-law in-part.of  manner Q.WH

kax-i  lju-zox    tq tu-i.}
ATT-at read-V.ACT 2  AGT-at

But he said to him: "What saying is in the law?  How do you read?"

(The original just uses [ho] or [auton] "he, him" for both Jesus and
the lawyer throughout; I've taken the liberty of supplying
disambiguating suffixes or modifiers to the general third-person
pronoun {pq} in some instance, as here and in verse 28.)


nu-sqar     pq tu-i frax-txaj-zox    pxoq:
moment-CONJ 3  AGT-at ask-OPP1-V.ACT QUOTE

{!tq liqw-i          paxnx    txeq'ku kax-i  gy-tq-zox    mwe
  2  relationship-at lord     God     ATT-at love-2-V.ACT IMP

tq i-m        sxiqn hoql  nxiqw-i,   pe  tq i-m        fax-nxiqw
2  in-part.of heart whole faculty-at and 2  in-part.of love-faculty

hoql  nxiqw-i,   pe   tq sxu-i           kix'hxu  hoql  nxiqw-i,
whole faculty-at and  2  have.quality-at strength whole faculty-at

pe  tq i-m        zym-nxiqw     hoql  nxiqw-i;
and 2  in-part.of think-faculty whole faculty-at

kinq tq i-j     max-nxy-cox         txe tq-mym kax-i
and  2  at-near person-distant-OPP2 as  2-self ATT-at

gy-zox     mwe saxm-box.}
love-V.ACT IMP same-ADJ

Then he answered: "You must love your Lord God with your whole heart
and with your whole soul and with your whole strength and with your
whole mind; and love the neighbor near you the same as yourself."

(The translation supplies another instance of {gy-zox} "love" in the
second clause.  {gy} normally translates [agapao]; {fax} translates
[phileo] and [erao].)


kinq pq-kxa tu-i   pq-cxax nxaxw-o twax-zox       pxoq:
and  3-RESP AGT-at 3-smart call-to sentence-V.ACT QUOTE

{frax-txaj-tq-zox kxy-ja.       rynq-poq-zox  mwe, kiqn zunq-van.}
ask-OPP1-2-V.ACT  truth-fitting do-DEM3-V.ACT IMP  and  life-V.STATE

And he said to him, "You answered truly.  Do this, and live."


moqj sru-van      zqaxj-ja-fwa-ca             pq tu-i,
but  want-V.STATE justice-fitting-CAUS-V.REFL 3  AGT-at

woqn      twax-zox       jesxua-ram nxaxw-o pqoq:
therefore sentence-V.ACT Jesus-NAME call-to QUOTE

{?kinq max-noq   nxiqn-i    kq liqw-i          max-nxy-cox.}
  and  person-Q.WH comment-at 1  relationship-at person-far-OPP2

But he wanted to make himself just, so he said to Jesus: "And who is
my neighbor?"

(In place of a participle [thelon] "desiring" modifying an active verb
[eipe] "said", I make both of them regular verbs, connecting the
clauses with {woqn} "so, therefore".)


nu-sqar     frax-txaj-zox   jesxua-ram tu-i    twax-zox       pxoq:
moment-CONJ ask-OPP1-V.ACT  Jesus-NAME AGT-at  sentence-V.ACT QUOTE

{jerusalem-wam    s-rq-nx     jerihxo-wam    tx-o-r            runx-zxa-zox
 Jerusalem-NAME.P top-from-in Jericho-NAME.P bottom-to-distant go-AUG-V.ACT

max    soq     tu-i,   kinq bwiql-txaj-tla         gxum-o   pq jqaxr-i,
person certain AGT-at  and  give-OPP2-professional power-to 3  experiencer-at

max-loq    tu-i   vlym-ta-fwa-zox              pq hxy-i, pe  traxw-ra-zox,
person-REL AGT-at clothing-without-CAUS-V.ACT  3  P-at   and hit-repeated-V.ACT

pe  zunq-fja    su-jqa      jax-i    pq kax-rq   tyn   poq  rq   runx-zox.
and life-hardly stand-ROT90 STATE-at 3  ATT-from place DEM3 from go-V.ACT

Then Jesus answered saying, "A certain man went down from Jerusalem
toward Jericho, and came under the power of robbers, who stripped him,
beat him up, and went away leaving him him lying there barely alive.

(I supplied {txor}, down toward, where the Greek has simply [eis], to,
toward; it matches {srnx}, down out of, which translates [apo].)

ROT90 = rotate 90 degrees suffix (su "stand" -> su-jqa "lie")


viqj-sqar rax-zox,    hoqnx runx-tx-o-zox      peq'hiq-ja
time-CONJ event-V.ACT that  go-bottom-to-V.ACT road-along

kixr'baxn-tla          soq     tu-i;  kinq pq kax-i   riqm-van    sq-i-n,
sacrifice-professional certain AGT-at and  3  ATT-at  see-V.STATE after-at-contact

pq r-o-r         vxax-zox peq'hiq i-m        wu   jqoq  k-i.
3  beyond-to-far go-V.ACT road    at-part.of side other throughout-at

Then it happened that a certain priest came along the road; and after
seeing him, he went on past him on the other side of the road.

(I've rendered the prepositional phrase [kata sygkyrian] as verb +
conjunction instead: {rax-zox, hoqnx} = "It happened that...".  DRV
has "And it chanced, that..."  Langenscheidt lists "to happen" as one
of the senses of the related verb [sygkyreo].)


saxm-sqar tyn   poq  o-j     runx-zox levi-sqam   tu-i,
same-CONJ place DEM3 to-near go-V.ACT Levi-NAME.F AGT-at

kinq pq kax-i  riqm-van    nu-sqar     pq r-o-r
and  3  ATT-at see-V.STATE moment-CONJ 3  beyond-to-far

vxax-zox wu   jqoq  k-i.
go-V.ACT side other throughout-at

In the same way a Levite came near that place, and saw him, then went
past on the other side.

(The Greek has an adverb + conjunction + conjunction construction,
[homoios de kai], which I've simplified into a single conjunction.  The suffix
{sqar} derives a conjunction from a root word; here, {saxm} "same".)


kinq jqwax      samaria-wam    soq     tu-i   peq'hiq-zox
and  inhabitant Samaria-NAME.P certain AGT-at road-V.ACT

viqj-loq i  pq o-n        runx-zox, pe  pq kax-i  riqm-van,
time-REL at 3  to-contact go-V.ACT  and 3  ATT-at see-V.STATE

pe  pq miq-i    pix'wyr-van.
and 3  topic-at compassion-V.STATE

And a certain Samaritan while travelling came to him, and saw him, and
felt compassion for him.

(peq'hiq-zox translates [hodeuo], a travel verb which also derives
from a root meaning "road".]  Normally I express "travel" as
{runx-zxa}, but I like this new verbal use of {peq'hiq}.)


pq o-n        vxax-zox, kinq pq-vuj-dox           hxy-i vlym-zox,
3  to-contact go-V.ACT  and  3-physical-violation P-at  clothe-V.ACT

kinq pq s-o-n         lyl pe  viqn hxy-i flu-fwa-zox.
and  3  on-to-contact oil and wine P-at  flow-CAUS-V.ACT

nu-sqar     pq hxy-i tyn-zox     pq-mym  sxaxj-i
moment-CONJ 3  P-at  place-V.ACT 3-self  have.stuff-at

raxm-toxn s-o-n,        kinq pq hxy-i sqax-fwa-zox
cat-GEN   on-to-contact and  3  P-at  carry-CAUS-V.ACT

jxyj-rjax-kox    o-n,       kinq pq hxy-i txiq-zox   fiqm-fwa.
vigor-seek-place to-contact and  3  P-at  help-V.ACT health-CAUS

He went up to him, and bound up his wounds, and poured oil and water
on them.  Then he put him on his animal and carried him to an inn, and
took care of him.


cxeq'txax txoq i,   deq'naxr cxu-box hxy-i jxyj-rjax-kox-tla
day       next at   denarius two-ADJ P-at  vigor-seek-place-professional

sxaxj-o       bwiql-zox, kinq twax-zox       pxoq:
have.stuff-to give-V.ACT and  sentence-V.ACT QUOTE

{!pq hxy-i txiq-tq-zox   mwe, kinq sxiqw-loq hxy-i tq sxaxj-rq
  3  P-a   help-3-V.ACT  IMP  and  stuff-REL P-at  2  have.stuff-from

kaxj-tq-zox,   tyn   toq  o-n        runx-kq-zox joqj  viqj-loq i,
spend-2-V.ACT  place DEM2 to-contact go-1-V.ACT  again time-REL at

tq sxaxj-o       kaxj-ha        poq  hxy-i vxaxwn-txaj-kq-zox.}
2  have.stuff-to exchange-stuff DEM3 P-at  borrow-OPP1-1-V.ACT

The next day, he gave two denarii to the innkeeper, and said: "Take
care of him, and what you spend, when I come back, I will repay you
that money."


?max   dax-box   muw-i     max-noq     miq-i,  zym-tq-zox,
person three-ADJ subset-at person-Q.WH TOP-at  think-2-V.ACT

bwiql-txaj-tla         gxum-o   max    liqw-i
give-OPP1-professional power-to person relationship-at

max-nxy-cox     nxiqn-i.}
person-far-OPP2 comment-at

"Which man out of the three, do you think, was neighbor to the man
who was overpowered by the robbers?"


nu-sqar     pq tu-i   twax-zox  pxoq: {max    loq tu-i   pq hxy-i
moment-CONJ 3  AGT-at say-V.ACT QUOTE  person REL AGT-at 3  P-at

piq'wyr-zox.}    kinq twax-zox  pq  nxaxw-o jesxua-ram pxoq:
compassion-V.ACT and  say-V.ACT 3   call-to Jesus-NAME QUOTE

{!runx-tq-zox mwe,   kinq rynq-zox saxm-box.}
go-2-V.ACT    IMP    and  do-V.ACT same-ADJ

Then he said, "The man who took compassion on him."  And Jesus said,
"Go and do the same way."


ADJ       adjective or adverb, depending on context
ATT                attentive case postposition root
AGT	  agentive case postposition root
CONJ	  conjunction-forming suffix
DEM1	  first-person demonstrative
DEM2	  second-person demonstrative
DEM3	  third-person demonstrative
NAME	  personal name marker suffix
NAME.P	  place name suffix
NAME.F	  tribe, nation, family name suffix
OPP1	  opposite (complement of pair) suffix
OPP2	  opposite quality suffix
P	  patient case postposition root
Q.WH	  WH-question clitic (forms "who", "where", etc.)
Q.YN	  yes-no question clitic (like "cxu" in Esperanto, but postpositive)
QUOTE	  begin-quote conjunction (there is no corresponding end-quote
	  particle, as in Lojban)
RESP	  respectful attitudinal suffix
V.ACT     active verb suffix
V.REFL	  reflexive verb suffix
V.STATE	  stative verb suffix

-- Jim Henry