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Re: Conlang meet in London?

From:Fabian <rhialto@...>
Date:Sunday, June 27, 1999, 20:56
> Irina Rempt-Drijfhout scripsit: > > > We'll be in London from July 12-17 (travelling on the adjacent > > Sundays), and probably meeting Fabian. Perhaps we could have, in > > Fabian's words, "a proper conlang boink". > > In the sense "party", I suppose, rather than in the sense "coitus"?
hohoho This chestnut does the rounds on alt.usage.english every year. Basically, in the US, boink is a verb synonymous with copulate, as I understand it. In Britain, the equivalent is 'bonk'. Here (UK), 'boink' has no sexual connotations whatsoevr, except in so far as certain Americans try to make innuenduous jokes about our activities during a boink. --- Fabian English is essentially Old Friesian as spoken by a Frankified Danish mercenary who studied Latin and Ancient Greek at school and is currently on a round the world journey