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Re: OT: Blond(e) (Was Re: Genitives and Possessive Adjectives)

From:Jake X <starvingpoet@...>
Date:Friday, February 27, 2004, 4:09
To solve the question for good, I looked
it up.  According to American
Heritage Dictionary's online version


ADJECTIVE: 1. Of a dark complexion or coloring. 2. Having dark brown or
black hair or eyes.
NOUN: A person with dark brown hair.
ETYMOLOGY: French, from Old French, diminutive of brun, brown, of Germanic
origin. See bher-2 in Appendix I.


ADJECTIVE: Having dark or brown hair.
NOUN: A girl or woman with dark or brown hair.
ETYMOLOGY: French, feminine of brunet. See brunet.

So clearly they are separate words, though brunet
doesn't specifically refer to a male, per se.  And FYI
the term blonde doesn't show up in that dictionary at
all, except in the French etymology of blond.
