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Re: OT: Vista (< MNCL5 Phonology and Orthography)

From:Carsten Becker <carbeck@...>
Date:Wednesday, November 21, 2007, 12:29

I'm actually quite content with my XP installation. It has been running mostly
smoothly for the last 3 years without ever needing to completely reinstall the
whole thing. It has become rather slow by now, though, so I guess I should
muck out the whole thing by formatting it sometime, but then, I only have a
recovery CD with all the preinstalled configurations and no proper XP
installation disk. As for Vista, I had to use it at work recently, the GUI is quite
smooth, if not a little bit too playful for my taste (I don't particularly like the
new Office's GUI for exactly the same reason). What makes me still keep my
hands off it is that it's a) still fairly new, i.e. there might still be 'children's
diseases' and many security holes, b) it needs even more memory than XP, so
it wouldn't work on my 2004's computer anyway I suppose, and c) I've heard
rumors that it reports any non-licensed program. I know that software piracy
is heavily punished and NOT RIGHT, but anyway, it's violating the user's
privacy, which isn't exactly nice as well. Macs seem nice however, but they're
too expensive for me regarding both hard- and software. I guess the only
workable (and payable) alternative would be Linux, although it takes some time
to make it work, because things often don't "just work" there. Bashing one
specific system is nonsense IMO because all systems have their problems.



Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>