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Re: OT: Latin subject-verb agreement

From:Jeff Rollin <jeff.rollin@...>
Date:Thursday, December 13, 2007, 11:33
In the last episode, (On Thursday 13 December 2007 01:55:06), T. A. McLeay
> David J. Peterson wrote: > > Mark: > > << > > Given the gloss in TKD for third-person nominal subjects ("As for the > > captain, he is on the bridge"), I see no reason why nouns should be > > disallowed for other persons. > > > > > > You know, there's kind of a similar phenomenon in English > > regarding relative clauses. Consider: > > > > I, who am a captain, prefer to wear briefs. > > ?*I, who is a captain, prefer to wear briefs. > > > > I'd say that's pretty straightforward, but then... > > > > ?!?*You can give the book to me, who am a captain. > > ?You can give the book to me, who is a captain. > > > > I have no explanation for any of this other than that English is > > broken. > > Apparently my English has fixed this because "I, who am a captain, ..." > is weird and at least questionable, if not outright wrong. Both "I, who > is a captain, ..." and "I, who are a captain, ..." are better, but > neither are good. >
I have to disagree. "I, who is a captain", could surely only be used of a person whose name is "I", whilst "I, who are a captain" is just plain ungrammatical. Singular subject, singular complement, plural verb? Come on. "I, who am a captain"? Much better. Jeff. -- "Please understand that there are small European principalities devoted to debating Tcl vs. Perl as a tourist attraction." -- Cameron Laird


Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>