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Re: OT: Latin subject-verb agreement

Date:Thursday, December 13, 2007, 0:37
In a message dated 12/12/2007 2:05:47 PM Central Standard Time,
markjreed@MAIL.COM writes:

> In most such langs, nouns are inherently third-person. The closest > you could get would be a noun in apposition to a pronomial subject, > maybe? > > > On 12/12/07, <MorphemeAddict@...> > wrote: > > Is it possible in Latin to have a 1st or 2nd person verb and a noun > subject? > > For example, is "Pueri sumus boni" (We boys are good) grammatical? > > > > stevo > > >
I know that Spanish can use a noun as a subject of a 1st person plural verb (Los mexicanos somos... = We Mexicans are...), and I've just heard that Italian can do this too. There is a discussion on the Klingon list about whether it's possible in Klingon, too. Someone there asked about Latin. stevo </HTML>


Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>
R A Brown <ray@...>