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Re: Mail filters (was Re: affective pronouns)

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Tuesday, July 30, 2002, 20:22
En réponse à Tim May <butsuri@...>:

> > Incidentally, Christophe, I have a mail filter on my machine here, and > it blocked your mail asking for submissions for the journal. Not a > real problem in my case, as I wouldn't have had anything to submit... > I should really work out how to whitelist you so it can't happen > again. >
That's really strange, since my mail didn't have the structure of a spam, and came through the list like any one else...
> > |Subject: *****SPAM***** Conlang Journal: deadline for submission of > articles: 23rd June > | 2002 > |Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2002 11:46:57 +0200 > | > |SPAM: -------------------- Start SpamAssassin results > ---------------------- > |SPAM: This mail is probably spam. The original message has been > altered > |SPAM: so you can recognise or block similar unwanted mail in future. > |SPAM: See for more details. > |SPAM: > |SPAM: Content analysis details: (7.1 hits, 5 required) > |SPAM: Hit! (2.7 points) Subject contains lots of white space
What a nonsense! So having one space between each word is too much white space? Your spam filter has some problems it seems...
> |SPAM: Hit! (2.4 points) BODY: No such thing as a free lunch (2) > |SPAM: Hit! (2.0 points) Subject contains a unique ID number
This one I don't understand. Does anybody know what it means? Christophe. Take your life as a movie: do not let anybody else play the leading role.


Tim May <butsuri@...>