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Re: A New Conlang For Your Consideration

From:John Quijada <jq_ithkuil@...>
Date:Tuesday, February 3, 2004, 17:58
On Tue, 3 Feb 2004 12:18:01 +0000, Peter Bleackley
<Peter.Bleackley@...> wrote:

>Staving Amanda Babcock: >>This is, of course, one of our traditional Essentialist Explanations, >>and not any sort of slur upon your opus :) > >Ðis remindeþ me one ðat haþ been going around my head for a hwile. > >Catalan is essentially ðe secret passwords toget into places half-price in >Barcelona.
-------- Thanks, Amanda. I'll add it to John Cowan's "rococo" description as one of the more colorful reactions I've gotten. As for Catalan, Pete, I yelearned ðat ðe hard way during my first trip to Spain back in '86 during a period of Catalan nationalist/separatist fervor. Half the taxis in Barcelona had signs saying "libre" (= "available") and the other half said "lliure", the Catalan equivalent. I made the mistake of getting into a "lliure" taxi and stating my address in Spanish. On ðe bright side: it led me to later study Catalan. --John Quijada Visca Catalunya lliure!


Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>