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Re: Case/Tense question

From:FFlores <fflores@...>
Date:Monday, January 10, 2000, 1:38
Nik Taylor <fortytwo@...> wrote:
> I first thought I'd simply replace it > with "gonna", unfortunately, there's a problem with that, too. I became > /e/, while I gonna became /egEn/ --> /egE~/ --> /ege~/ --> /ege/ --> /e/
Whoa! Are you making all pronouns clitic? What if people consciously emphasized the word break so that /g/ was kept? Or maybe using just 'gonna', without the pronoun, would do for 'I' and 'you' -- it'd be clear from context. As for "he's gonna" and "she's gonna", what happens to the /z/ (for some reason "he gonna" doesn't sound right).
> but I don't like the idea of simply recreating the current form. > What other kinds of constructions might be used?
"I'm about to" "I'm just gonna" "I think I'll" (shifting 'think' > 'plan to' > 'intend' > 'will', more or less as 'to will' became an auxiliary). "I'll go and" (is /l/ retained there? anyway, 'go and' could become a new future auxiliary!) Just my two centavos... --Pablo Flores