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Re: THEORY: Vowel shift (was: THEORY: Storage Vs. Computation)

From:Raymond A. Brown <raybrown@...>
Date:Friday, June 18, 1999, 20:19
At 9:59 am -0400 18/6/99, John Cowan wrote:
>Various people wrote: > >Andrew: Is this different to the vowel shift that is effecting the Southern > England dialect group? > >John: I believe so, but I don't have enough specifics to be sure. > >Charles: I hope not: > > >Raymond: and I know not :) > >Andrew said "Is this different?" and I replied "I believe so", >viz. "I believe it's different".
OOoops - so you did. Trouble is I read these things too early in the morning before the first imbibition of caffeine has had its effect. Charles and Ray say "I hope not"
>and "I know not", but their evidence is that it *is* different; >i.e. they agree with me. > >Ah, the English language.
No, just our obtuseness :) Ray.