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Re: Interlect: YAIAL, a personal view

From:Kala Tunu <kalatunu@...>
Date:Wednesday, April 24, 2002, 11:17
Raymond Brown <ray.brown@F...> wrote:
It would be. I've never been happy about having /r/ and /l/ as separate phonemes in BrSc (for the 'name', see below) - that's one reason I'm experimenting with the present 'syllabary' scheme <<< The trouble with keeping only phonems that most earthlings can tell and execute is that you end up with the 7 usual gk, lr, m, n, bp, s, dt archphonems or whatever equivalent allophones. if all auxlangs adopt this minimal phonology, they will soon all sound the same.
Sorry - obviously I misunderstood. <<< no pb. that's why some keep designing auxlangs :-)
I understand "hoaxlang" as "hoax auxiliary language". Right - tho I'm still not quite certain exactly what you mean. Maybe you've detected that the IAL aim of BrSc is not being pushed. <<< The IAL aim of BrSc and Interlect seem be pushed technically but not "politically". i guess you're making an auxlang with well-thought "minimal" or "logical" or "universal" syntax or phonology or vocabulary for the fun of it--not to save the world--and keeping in mind that what is easy for some is hell to others: for instance i like Vorlin very much but as a french speaker i feel putting all adjectives, let alone whole subclauses, before nouns is difficult--knowing that the reverse is difficult for chinese and japanese. esperantists would say that's why esperanto keeps word order free, but yet, etc. Btw i like the Toki Pona pidgin auxlang-for-fun: Mathias _________________________________________________________________ Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device:


Raymond Brown <ray.brown@...>