Re: R: Re: Stress marking (was: Re: CONLANG Digest - 14 Oct2000(maglangs plea!))
From: | Jeff Jones <jeffsjones@...> |
Date: | Saturday, October 21, 2000, 6:10 |
On Wed, 18 Oct 2000 21:26:15 -0400, Nik Taylor <fortytwo@...> wrote:
>ObConlang: How receptive are your conlangs to borrowings? Utakassí
>generally prefers calques to loans, altho it wasn't always like that.
>Proto-Kassi-Plia borrowed a *lot* of foreign words, including the
>numbers 7-12.
Most of my vocabulary right now is borrowed, despite the fact that all
syllables are CV. To save time, I've used whatever words I can remember (in
various languages) that don't require a lot of mangling. Eventually,
though, I plan to devise more "native" roots.