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Re: Kuraw - Handwritten

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Thursday, November 29, 2001, 2:05
> >Because i dont have any extensive Saalangal words, i used a Hanunoo >ambahan - lullaby, because it shows the script off fairly well. If anyone >wants, i can transcribe it in a reply to this email for this list.
As i have said, here is the transcription of the passage. First: ng - /N/ q - /?/ y - /j/ I'll go line by line as i have written it in Kuraw (translation under): danga maglumi-maglumiq kita madnugan kutiq - Don't cry anymore or we'll be heard by the wild cat kuti gin sa siyangiq magqingaw magyangyangiq - The wild cat from siyangi, who will let out a terrifying cry kita qud may qibawiq kanta bangkaw nabariq - We can't do anything about it, because our hunting spear is broken kanta qutak nalumbiq - Our bolo is bent in two