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Re: Weekly Vocab 7

From:Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>
Date:Wednesday, May 14, 2003, 2:17
M = Methkaeki
K = Kaikutin

On Sun, May 11, 2003 at 06:31:41PM -0400, Christopher Wright wrote:
> 1. real
M: siem [sjEm] (adj) real K: debin ["debin] (v) to be real
> This is not real silk.
M: Rovomp jidithub siem. [r\O'vOmp,dZIdI'TUb'sjEm] ro- "this"; vomp "silk"; ji- "he/she/it"; budi "be"; -thub "not", siem "real" K: Sad lado deber re. [s&dl&dodeberre] sad "silk", lado "this (adj)", debin "to be real", re "not" In both cases I recast the sentence as "This silk is not real". A more literal "This is not real silk" is possible but less natural.
> 2. skirt
M: jemge ['dZEmge] K: zid [zid]
> I'd like to try on that skirt. (No, I'm not a transvestite.)
M: Oshoy buboso busute rebjemge. (Thu, osutethub punu shuneth). ['OSOibU'bOsObU'sUtEr\Eb'dZEmgE] [TUO'sUtETUb'pUnu'SUnET] o- "I", bushoy "to wish", buboso "to try", busute "to wear (clothes)", reb- demonstrative "that", jemge "skirt", thu "no", thub "not", punu "like, in the manner of", shuneth "woman" "I wish to try to wear that skirt. (No, I do not dress like a woman.)" K: Zad zida lodo rabinda sekobe masher. (Shing, zad raber peke re.) [z&d'zidA'lodor&'bindAse'kobe'm&Se`r] [SiNz&d'r&be`r'pekere] zad "I", zid "skirt", lodo "that (adj)", rabin "to wear (clothes)", sekobe "tentatively, as a trial", mashin "to want", shing "no", pe "not" (opposite), ke "according to custom", re "not" (negation). "I want to tenatively wear that skirt. (No, I do not dress in the opposite of the customary manner.)"
> 3. to need
M: buthig [bU'TIg] K: dobin ["dobin]
> I need to find a present for my sister.
M: Othig bumupebi kojbig no jusvovbis. [O'TIgbUmU'pEbi'kOjbIgnodZUs'vOvbIs] o- "I", buthig "need", bumupebi "find", kojbig "present", no "my", jus- "for", vovbis "sister" K: Zad pautinda ditkado zabo nobinda dober. [z&dp&u'tindAdit'k&do'z&bono'bindA'dobe`r] zad "I", pautin "gift" (passive agentive of "pain", to give), ditkad "sister", zabo "my" (genitive of "zad"), nobin "find", dobin "need"
> 4. stair
M: ivpeme [Iv'pEme] K: b'kot [b@'kot] Both of the above are singular and refer to an individual stair/step; used in the plural as in English to refer a staircase.
> The shop is up the stairs and on the left.
M: Yut jidi ativpemev eth ebmijreth. [jUt'dZIdi@tIv'pEmEvETeb'mIdZr\eT] yut "shop", budi "be", at- "up", ivpeme "stair, step", -v plural, eth "and", eb- "at"/"toward", mijreth "left" K: Palan biga bebo b'kopoi yer. ['p&l&n 'bigA 'bebo b@'kopoj je`r] palan "shop", bid "area to the left", bed "area above", b'kot "stair", yin "be" "The shop is in/at the left-area of the above-area of the stairs".
> 5. upper
M: hokis ['hOkIs] "higher" comparative of hok "high" K: bedrazol [bed'r&zol] "higher, upper, more above" comparative of bedol "high, above", attributive of bedin "be high", "above".
> They don't sell much in an upper room, but it must be cheap to rent.
Hm. I'm assuming that "they don't sell much in an upper room" is akin to "they don't have much in the way of upper rooms"?
> > 6. to approve > I don't approve of that style of clothing. It's immodest. > > 7. jewelry > I would like to go shopping for jewelry now. > > 8. golden > That is a lovely golden torc. Do you have it in a larger size? > > 9. color > I love the color of gold. > > 10. expensive > I can't buy that; it is far too expensive. > > ~Wright


Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>Whups! [Re: Weekly Vocab 7]