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Re: CHAT: UK conlangcon?

From:Paul Bennett <paul.bennett@...>
Date:Monday, September 20, 1999, 8:50
May I tentatively suggest the weekend of the 16-17 of October (to give Lars time
to settle in :-)  Thusfar it seems as though attendees are Central London,
Milton Keynes and Reading.  To me, in terms of travelling, somewhere in London
does seem fairly favourite for all concerned.  Fabian's probably in a better
position than anyone to suggest a location in more detail.

Fabian <rhialto@...> on 09/16/99 11:35:01 PM

Please respond to Constructed Languages List <CONLANG@...>

To:   Multiple recipients of list CONLANG <CONLANG@...>
cc:    (bcc: Paul Bennett/Townsend/XNCorp)

Subject:  Re: CHAT: UK conlangcon?

Count me in. Central London area preferred.

Irinia, Boudewijn, Mathias? Can we count on your company again?

Just back from Malta btw. 14 days, and 8 of them taken up by street parties
I found time to go through every piece of written Demuan, and even dated teh
Romansiation of Maltese to somewhen between 1580 and 1790. Picked up a few
books with stories of old time Malta written in parrallel English and
Maltese, as told by 80-somethings back in the seventies. I'm in the process
of preparing one of these for a relay.

If a flying horse ye see, mock ye not if it stays up not.

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