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Re: Conlang Website

From:Carlos Thompson <carlos_thompson@...>
Date:Wednesday, October 18, 2000, 1:11
Steg Belsky wrote:

> The Rokbeigalm don't believe in standardized, ritualized set-time > prayer. Their word for "worship", _peres_, comes from a Proto-Elven > root meaning "to disturb". They consider it rude to constantly > bother their Creator with their little problems when Kabakh-a ("the > Founder") has so many other things to do.
Hangkerimians don't like to "disturb" their creator, either, but they do speak to it/him/her. They believe they are guardians of the bit of the creation they live in and they must tell how well they have done. They use the word _hengzula_ which is the same they use when they report a superior. If they are asking something the word is _kamhiru_ which means "to beg". _kamhiru_ evolved in Kizidanoce as the word for "praying" but without the "begging" meaning. Christian Hangkerimians (non-Kizidanos), use the word _laruka_ "to talk", as well as _hengzula_. My personal language Chleweyish uses also "to talk" for "to pray": _zawli_ [tsOwlI]. The word _flewgi_ [fljuGI] has also the meaning of preparing a speech in ones mind and is also used for praying. -- Carlos Th