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Re: THEORY: final features, moras, and roots [was: it's what I do]

From:Raymond Brown <ray.brown@...>
Date:Friday, October 6, 2000, 6:56
At 11:14 pm -0600 5/10/00, dirk elzinga wrote:
>On Thu, 5 Oct 2000, DOUGLAS KOLLER wrote: > >> Well I'm still confused. The "mora" thing has always stumped me, but isn't >> "hatten" two syllables, four morae? > >Yup. Here's the representation for the entire word:
Yep - two bimoraic syllables or, if one prefers, two heavy syllables.
> s s > |\ |\ > m m m m > /| |/| | > h a t e n > >Notice that the [t] is doubly linked; it is moraic in the first >syllable and provides the onset for the second syllable. This is >another definition of geminate: a consonant which is linked to two >syllables at once. However, this definition of geminate relies on a >representation which is the product of theoretical assumptions not all >are willing to make.
Interesting - I must confess I've always understood morae to apply to the syllabic nucleus and coda (i.e. the rhyme _or_ rime) and to have nothing to do with the onset. However, I'm always willing to learn something new. Dirk's analysis above cartainly looks neat :) I guess at the moment I have to say I neither agree nor disagree with that analysis of an internal geminate consonant. But IIRC some languages allow final geminates. Don't they occur, e.g. in Hungarian and Arabic? [...]
> >> Sambon ("three bottles") two syllables, four morae? (sa-n-bo-n, >> pronounced sam-bon). > >Right again. Here's the chart:
Yep - just like _cumbunt_ in Latin. [....]
>> Shinhatsubai ("newly out on the market") four syllables, six morae? > >Outstanding! Here it is:
Yep - just what I make it also. [...]
> >To sum up: moras are used to reckon syllable weight; that's their >raison d'etre, theoretically speaking.
Yep - that's what I've understood also. Which, as far as I can see, means that such morae are also entirely appropriate for the analysis of ancient Greek verse & prose rhythms, but not for the possible placement of the pitch accent which was conditioned by syllabic nuclei (i.e. vowels) only. Ray. ========================================= A mind which thinks at its own expense will always interfere with language. [J.G. Hamann 1760] =========================================