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Re: Too bizarre?

From:Ray Brown <ray.brown@...>
Date:Friday, November 14, 2003, 6:15
On Thursday, November 13, 2003, at 08:23 AM, Jeff Jones wrote:

> On Mon, 10 Nov 2003 19:58:10 +0000, Ray Brown <ray.brown@...> > wrote:
>> Don't. It was on another list which I no longer subscribe to. I suppose >> it might be archived there but as a non-member I guess I ahan't know, > > Too late -- I already did before I saw this, searching for Briefscript, > Srikanth, and Skrintha each. Don't worry, the few messages that came up > were worth rereading.
> If the other list was Auxlang, I've searched that > also.
No, it was Langdev.
> No hint of what you mentioned, but again, the messages were worth > reading. I even saw some where you and Bob Petry agreed :)
'Twas known :) [snip]
>>> b) you probably want to avoid unusual letter assignments, such as a, i, >>> or u for consonants (ease of learning), >> Generally, yes - though I've nothing against |i| = /j/ and |u| = /w/ or >> even /v/. > > So you could pair |i| with |y| and |u| with |w|.
Could do. In the sketch of BrScB on my website the vowel symbols are used for what Srikanth called "cements" - but this could well change. If so, yes, |i| and |u| could well pair with |j|/[y]and [w]. Very little's ruled in and almost nothing's ruled out at the moment. [snip]
>> I'm not sure how I'd handle 3-consonant lexical morphemes at present. > > Presumably like a 2-consonant base + 1-consonant suffix, assuming they're > written the same way. Otherwise the reader would have to figure out which > rule to use???
They won't be written the same way (nor pronounced the same way) - that's ruled in! To get the necessary number of root morphemes, without resorting to clumsy and idiomatically formed compounds, I'm certain I'll need 3-cons. morphemes. But they must certainly, as I've said, be written & pronounced differently from 2-consonant base + 1-cons. suffix; 'self-segregating' morphemes are also one of the definitely ruled in things. Actually, writing my reply to Estel has helped focus on these problems. I' ll be working on them again at the weekend. :) Ray =============================================== (home) (work) ===============================================