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Re: How old are you? (Was: Re: New to the list)

From:Jim Hopkins <espero9@...>
Date:Sunday, October 22, 2000, 18:41
Roger asked how one would ask about age in their repective Conlangs.  In
Druni we do it this way:

The Druni count life from the time of conception and their reproductive
system is quite similar to the Terran.

An embyo is called "soón" or "egg-being".  By the time the unborn chold is
better developed it is called "sósu" or "egg-child".

After birth the child is called "suís" or infant.  As it gets older it is
called "sú" meaning child or progeny. By this time the words "suór"
(boy-child) or "suél" (girl-child) can be used.  As the individual gets
somewhat older the words "dukhulór" (boy) and "dukhulél" (girl) are used.
Just before adulthood we use the words "maláchek" (youth).  If gender needs
to be specified then "malachór" (male youth) or "malachél" (female youth) are
used.  A full grown person is called "imréytek" (adult) and the gendered
forms are, as you probably guessed, "imreytór" (male adult) and "imreytél"
(female adult).  An elder person is called "vestríek" (vestriór/vestriél).

To ask an individual one would say: "Séti kinlán aulaínen onyáre?"
Literally, "At how many years are you?"

To answer one would say:  "Séti zármak aulavá onyáru,"  Literally, "I am at
twenty years."

Drúnay, zakhátsit subutovó ukhése masinyáru!
(Fron Drun, warm greetings to you all I send! [lit. trans.])

Jim H