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Re: Good reads for the novice conlanger?

From:Dirk Elzinga <dirk_elzinga@...>
Date:Monday, August 5, 2002, 23:00
At 6:13 PM +0000 8/5/02, Robert \"Neo\" Hill wrote:
>Hello, > > I am starting work on the most ambitious language project of >mine to date, >and I would like some good reading for a person with no linguistic >background. A few have made suggestions, but I have lost them in the sea of >endless conlang messages ;). Any common books I may be able to pick up at the >local library or used book store? Thanks in advance.
_Describing Morphosyntax_, which Peter mentioned, is a bit advanced if you have "no linguistic background", but I second his recommendation. Another book that I frequently recommend is Sapir's _Language_. It assumes no linguistic background on the part of the reader, and is a good introduction to the study of language. Dirk -- Dirk Elzinga Man deth swa he byth thonne he mot swa he wile. 'A man does as he is when he can do what he wants.' - Old English Proverb