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Re: A sample of Tiki vocabulary

From:Herman Miller <hmiller@...>
Date:Saturday, April 29, 2006, 1:07
Jeffrey Henning wrote:

> It's great to see another fauxlang! Especially a "100-year old" one. > > So we should call this your con Tiki? :-) > > I also like the agent/patient grammar. Is it fluid-S, split-S, something else? > > - Jeffrey
Ha! I suppose I could sneak in a couple words from Rapanui... I'm not clear on the difference between fluid-S and split-S. In any case, I don't suppose Dr. M would have had the linguistic knowledge to be consistent about it. I suspect the "agent" case originated as some case that could have marked the subject of a causative verb, and later Dr. M realized that if the subject is marked in this way, the verb doesn't need a special causative form.