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Re: Unilingua book

From:Danny Wier <dawier@...>
Date:Thursday, August 24, 2000, 4:07
--- Richard Kennaway <jrk@...> wrote:

> -- Richard Kennaway,, >
Hey you have that page with all the conlangs on it! Even with my projects! But you can have non-dead links for once. All I have so far is the beginning of a page on Tech: But this is under construction (which means I'll update the page un about, say, 8-12 months), so tell 'em I got more coming... Also, no pages yet for Big Six (formerly P formerly Pig formerly something I forgot), and I have new conlang projects-in-process: Calistan: Probably the closest thing to Hittite still in existence. Tehaskij (Texas Russian): The little-known Third Language of Texas! (Yes, it's fictional.) Quaelits: a language spoken by Eurasian elves. Dóh: spoken by Orcs in Antarctica, which involves physical gestures as well as spoken words. Dragon: spoken by a highly advanced amphibious breed of human in the American South. Other possible future projects: conlangs based on alien races from the FOX animated shows The Simpsons and Futurama, the brainchildren of the genius Matt Groening. Also, my homepage will have a preview of my up-and-coming (bismillah) novel, as well as my "soapbox" stuff along with Nostratic-related info... The homepage: DaW. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!