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Re: Non-linear / full-2d writing systems?

From:Tim May <butsuri@...>
Date:Wednesday, May 4, 2005, 18:02
H. S. Teoh wrote at 2005-05-04 09:34:31 (-0700)
 > On Tue, May 03, 2005 at 11:47:29PM -0700, Sai Emrys wrote:
 > > Has anyone other than me attempted to make one, or theorized
 > > about how one would do so & the consequences thereof? I'm fairly
 > > sure this is true, but I can't find any examples thereof via
 > > Google..
 > Surely we have not already forgotten Pinuyo, the pictorial language,
 > created by one of our list members?

For that matter, what about Nokta Kanto's Harpelan?