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Re: Average life of a conlang

From:Lars Finsen <lars.finsen@...>
Date:Thursday, August 28, 2008, 11:10
Jim Henry wrote:

> Recently there's been a thread on the ZBB about the average life of a > conlang; that is, the average amount of time a conlang is under > continuing development by its creator, from initial creation to > abandonment of the conlang or death of the conlanger, not counting > auxlangs that continue to be developed by a speaker community after > the death or loss of interest of the creator.
I guess I would skew these statistics woefully, as I haven't really abandoned any of my conlangs. I have been working on Urianian off and on since around 1970, and on Ul-Munan, later known as Gaajan, later known as Suraetua since the early 1970s. Mind you, in the early decades I had several instances of throwing everything away and starting from scratch. But the identities of the languages and their uses have been the same. In Sureatua I do have a handful of words left from that early phase, but these will probably disappear if I find proper replacements for them during my further research into NE Caucasian. In Urianian I have of course all the names I invented, and the semantical and morphological structures they impose upon the language. LEF