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Re: Language reconstruction question

From:John Cowan <jcowan@...>
Date:Wednesday, October 30, 2002, 11:41
Christophe Grandsire scripsit:

> Indeed. The further back in time you go, the less sure of it you get. Getting > anything older than PIE (and PIE is not that well known) is pure speculation. > The method just doesn't allow it.
As Alexis Manaster-Ramer pointed out ten years ago or so, there is simply no evidence at all for this claim -- it is something that historical linguists, especially IE-ists, have told one another for so long that they have come to think it is gospel. We have a tolerable understanding of Proto-Austronesian, whose time-depth is probably greater than PIE's, and with far less in the way of ancient written sources. Carefully carried out (as it has not always been), reconstruction past the PIE level is certainly possible. -- Even a refrigerator can conform to the XML John Cowan Infoset, as long as it has a door sticker saying "No information items inside". --Eve Maler


Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>