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Re: CHAT: Measurements (was: Re: CHAT: browsers)

From:Tristan <kesuari@...>
Date:Tuesday, February 11, 2003, 15:07
Christophe Grandsire wrote:
> En réponse à Tristan <kesuari@...>: > >>And American people. > > Yes, I meant "English-speaking people", forgetting that not everyone in the > English speaking world follows the same tradition.
Ah ;)
> > And I thought Europe did either 1.000 or 1'000, I >>see them often enough. > > Indeed, 1.000 is the way to go in France, at least in printed material. 1 000 > is good second :)) .
Is there any reason why you have . for thousands and , for decimal? Is that just how it's always been? It seems odd that the English tradition ha(d|s) it vice-versa.
> (Australians do 1 000 unless the subject is >>money, when 1,000 is more common.) (Except that seperations are rare >>in >>four-digit numbers, I imagine because these can be read as either >>'three >>thousand, four hundred', or 'thirty-four hundred', or because of their >>similarity to years, or because a single number by itself might be >>lost >>when there's no signal (like other groups).) > > Or because we don't have a single word for "ten thousands" (which seems to me > to be the definite explanation ;)) ). As for Asian cultures which do have a > single word for "ten thousands" but still group figures in threes, that's due > to the fact that they borrowed the Arabic figures from us without adapting them > to their use.
I'm not sure what ten thousand has to do with this. I'm talking of four-digit numbers i.e. 1000--9999. Having a single word for ten thousand would make no difference as to whether they'res a space (comma, apostrophe, dot) in these, would it?
>>Ah, thanks. Strangely enough, in Chemistry, we would only talk of an >>atmosphere as being 101.2 kPa, and approximable as 100 kPa. > > Indeed, strange. I only ever used kPa for small pressures of a few kPa.
Well, kPa *are* theoretically the 'better' ones. But we have worked out my Chem class was odd.
> France is an interesting case. Millibars were the norm in meteo broadcasts, > until somebody decided that it was nicer to go to hectopascals, more SI ;)) . > So for a decade every meteo broadcast was talking in hPa. But then having the > presentator give exact pressure measurements in each sentence seemed to fall > out of use, and the meteo broadcasts stopped using measurements of pressure at > all (they just talked about "depressions" and "anticyclones").
? I take it that those are highs and lows? The numbers are never mentioned by the weathermen, but when they're written, the legend normally gives them as hPa.
> Lately, I've not > been much in France, but for the little I've seen, there's a return of the > actual pressure measurements, which are given again in millibars! (which sounds > terribly old-fashioned to me, but for people younger than me is brand new ;)) )
Lol ;)
>>The Australian Style Guide recommends the use of thousands prefixes, >>so it seems like someone decided it was better. > > Or rather that someone sanctioned an already common use into a rule. It is not > the same thing.
Yeah, I said 'seems' (i.e. appears).
> > And committee is spelt >>with a double m, a double t and a double e. > > Thanks! Although I've seen comity too. Does it have a different meaning?
I've never heard of it, but M.-W. has: <>. Tristan.


Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>