>I've been working on the vertical cursive version of the script during
>the holidays, here are the results so far. (There's a scanner in the
>iMac-lab! Whee!)
>Background: this script is derived from "that other script", at
>and the standalone forms (not shown) are taken as-is from that 'un.
>Conculturally, it is the official alphabet used by the "char"s, and due to
>certain modern (mes)alliances it has become very popular in Chaldea too,
>and of course, it is much better suited for handwriting than the other
>one, which is after all tailored for the use on old-fashioned monitors.
>Do comment!
I think it looks great. (Might look even better
if done with a broad felt-tip marker or calligraphic pen).
My only problem is that my eye keeps wanting to turn it
_horizontal_! Just shows what I'm used to, I guess.
Anyhow, I like it!
Dan Sulani
likehsna rtem zuv tikuhnuh auag inuvuz vaka'a.
A word is an awesome thing.