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Valdyan to Chleweish: wulo puckirto e.

From:Carlos Thompson <carlos_thompson@...>
Date:Thursday, June 24, 1999, 18:17
The original Valdyan:

hanleni halsen varyenan laynat
daysinen verein idanla le listat
havien hinla laziena forat
culea rachleni arlea a chalat

Direct translation into Chleweyish:

wulo puckirto e telle quo huga olune
cuysu lechin e lirsamo cewte quo wowta wowta
cecca zagilo lewme quo sella sella
acc nyarra pochen e ceme agu?

In English from Chleweyish:

The song of the starling sings on heroic deeds
In the rain of the morning the heron rinses feathers
In the night the lark praises the stars
but the truth of the bird who sees?


acc      C but
agu      C who, what (asks for/conects subject, performer)
cecca    N night
ceme     V see
cewti    V rinse, water
cuysu    N rain
huga     N act, deed
i (e)    V posesive
lechin   N morning
lewmi    V praise
lirsamo  N heron
nyarra   N truth
oluni    V heroic
pochen   N bird
puckirto N starling
quo      C who, what (asks for/conects object, receiver)
sella    N star
telli    V sing
wowta    N feather
wulo     N song
zagilo   N lark

Pronunciation and glosses:
(stress in first syllabe unless marked with acute)

wulo  puckirto e       telle    quo   huga olune
hwulo pukkIt,o @       t_hEl:@  k_wo  huGa o:lUn@
song  starling POS.IND sing.IND ACC.Q deed heroic.IND

cuysu  lechin  e       lirsamo  cewte   quo   wowta   wowta
kwi:sU le:xIn  @       li:s,amo tSju:te k_wo  hwu:ta  hwu:ta
rain   morning POS.IND heron    rinse   ACC.Q feather feather

cecca  zagilo   lewme  quo   sella sella
tSEkka tsA:GIlo lju:m@ k_wo  sEl:a sEl:a
night  lark     praise ACC.Q star  star

acc nyarra pochen e       ceme   agu ?
ak: Jarra  po:xn=3D @       tSe:m@ A:GU
but truth  bird   POS.IND see    NOM.Q

-- Carlos
   Chlewey Thompin                              ## ####     ## ## ##
------------------------------------------------##-## ##
   - =BFPor qu=E9 no?
   - No tiene sentido.
   - =BFQu=E9 sentido?  El sentido no existe.
   - El sentido inverso.  O el sentido norte.  El sentido com=FAn, tal ve=
z.  O
sin sentido, como aqu=ED.
    (-- Graeville 2)