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Re: "Wife" (was: Homosexuality etc.)

From:J Y S Czhang <czhang23@...>
Date:Friday, May 30, 2003, 0:18
In a message dated 2003:05:29 05:12:29 AM, Sri Guru Cowan writes:

>Traditionally the German name for IE was Indogermanisch, although from >a purely geographical standpoint Indokeltisch would have been more like it.
Hmmm, _Indokeltisch_ - or something a lil tiny wee bit more distantly along those lines (mayhaps like _Indaceltizti_ ) - sounds like a great name for a conlang. Any takers 0_o? ::looks at Sabrina pointedly:: BTW where _l'inferno_ is Luca? Luca, ya in lurkin' mode again ::poke-poke::? --- Hanuman Zhang, MangaLanger Language[s] change[s]: vowels shift, phonologies crash-&-burn, grammars leak, morpho-syntactics implode, lexico-semantics mutate, lexicons explode, orthographies reform, typographies blip-&-beep, slang flashes, stylistics warp... linguistic (R)evolutions mark each-&-every quantum leap... "Some Languages Are Crushed to Powder but Rise Again as New Ones" - title of a chapter on pidgins and creoles, John McWhorter, _The Power of Babel: A Natural History of Language_ = ! gw3rraa leg0set kaakaa! ! riis3rvaa, saaIlvaa, riikuu, sk0paa-g0mii aen riizijkl0! = (Fight Linguistic Waste! Save, Salvage, Recover, Scavenge and Recycle!)