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Re: "Wife" (was: Homosexuality etc.)

From:M. Astrand <ysimiss@...>
Date:Wednesday, May 28, 2003, 18:11
>From: John Cowan <cowan@...> >Subject: [CONLANG] "Wife" (was: Homosexuality etc.) >
>Speaking of Gothic, what's up with "aithei" [eTi] for "mother"? It got
>Finnish as "äiti", but I can't find anything on its etymology. >Or did it (bizarrely) actually *come from* some kind of proto-Finnic?
According to my books, it is a loanword into Finnish from some Germanic language, probably Gothic. I assume that if it was a native word, the ti > si sound change would not have left it alone; instead, it was borrowed after that sound change.
>The Uralic root is something totally different, which now survives in >Finnish in the sense "animal mother, dam".
_emo_ or _emä_ (a-umlaut). (And Tristan, the word for a water dam is _pato_. =) - M. Astrand _____________________________________________________________ Kuukausimaksuton nettiyhteys: Yli 12000 logoa ja soittoääntä: