On Tue, 7 Aug 2001 22:36:11 +0200, claudio <claudio.soboll@...> wrote:
>regarding: collective vs. distributive plural
>matt understands it as: "single event vs. multiple events"
>marcus understands it as: "single locations vs. multiple locations"
>so the words "collective" and "distributiv" , "alltogether" are definetly
>evil. they produce ambiguity with interpretions as either a) locative b)
> temporal meanings.
>i call this
>"space-punctiform vs. space-spread" (akronyms: SP vs. SS)
>"time-punctiform vs. time-spread" (akronyms: TP vs. TS)
>when you look at this example sentences:
>generic: "they went to the city" <- we dont know if its TS or TP or TP+SP
or TP+SS
>TS: "they went at different times to the city"
>TP: "they went at the same time to the city" <- maybe aggregated , maybe
>TP+SP: "they went at the same time aggregated to the city" <- like a flock
of sheep
>TP+SS: "they went at the same time dispersive to the city" <- like ants
crawling from all directions
>so what i want to say is:
>i suggest to use the words "aggregation" vs. "dispersion" as unambigously
>spatial terms.
>and to use the words "time-punctiform" vs. "time-spread" as unambigously
>temporal terms.
I like that -- I'm always looking for good terms.