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Re: Rhean site is up!

From:Mike Ellis <nihilsum@...>
Date:Friday, November 12, 2004, 6:41
Roger Mills wrote:

>Very nice, very nice. I like your use of HM's Thyromanes font, but am >wondering, why didn't you take advantage of its IPA portion, rather than >using X-Sampa in your phonology table and elsewhere?
Honestly it didn't even occur to me. I learned CXS through this list before I learned the IPA itself, and I'm still more comfortable in CXS (even transcribe on paper in CXS with all the at signs and capital letters etc). It would look better with the IPA symbols, wouldn't it...
>The names of the letters are clearly influenced by Arabic/Hebrew, but I >don't detect any other influence from those languages (of course, I don't >know more than 2 words of either one.)
Still haven't learned enough of the grammar of those languages yet. There's some Arabic-ripped words in the lexicon, but I don't recall using any Hebrew outside of the alphabet.
>Minor question: if some roots have double consonants (but pronounced as >single) why are they written that way? Historical?
Exactly. There's also a historical reason why the double root consonants are not written with a double letter. I'll get put that on the site eventually... y'know, as soon as I make one up.
>Minor carp: I would like to have seen a little explanation of phonotactics-- >permissible syllable/word forms, permissible clusters etc. It does appear to >be rather free.........
There is a page about half-done with some finer details of the phonology. I wasn't gonna bother finishing it cause phonology's usually what I spend the least time on. And it does seem to be very free phonotactically: some initial clusters include [xp], [Gd], [ml] and [kS]. Anyway, thanks for the feedback! I'll get to changing those IPA symbols and try to discover some Rhean phonotactics. M


Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@...>