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Re: CHAT: Daniel and Andreas (was: Another IPA site)

From:J Y S Czhang <czhang23@...>
Date:Thursday, March 6, 2003, 7:05
In a message dated 2003:03:04 03.26.38 AM, ijzeren_jan@YAHOO.CO.UK writes:

> --- Daniel Andreasson skrzypszy: > >> Okay. There still seems to be some confusion between me and Andreas. > >You call that confusion, Andreas?! ;) >Just wait until other Swedish conlangers join the list, with names like: >Andreas Danielsson, Johan Andreasson, Daniel Johansson, etc.
EEK! And I thought rampaging Maggelity and the bountiful English pronunciation threads were the only things to fear on this list ;) (Oh and, of course, auxlang advocates/fanatics poppin' up e'ery once 'n' 'whiles...) Hanuman Zhang €º°`°º€ø,¸¸,ø€º°`°º€ø,~-> "In the beginning was noise - raw sound, the seed sound, the One, _Nada Brahma_, the Big Bang. And noise begat rhythm. And rhythm begat everything else. And thus the Dance began. Rhythm and noise. There is terror in noise, and in that terror there is also power." - adapted from writings by Mickey Hart = diff3rrenzii ent3ra kak0 aen mjuuzika semii-tem paen en juu kaepii. = (Difference between noise and music semi-time all in you head) Sometimes the difference between noise and music is all in your head NADA BRAHMA - Sanskrit, "sound [is the] Godhead" LILA - Sanskrit, "divine play/sport/whimsy" - "the universe is what happens when God wants to play" - "joyous exercise of spontaneity involved in the art of creation"