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Re: Prevli: more "mood" names?

From:Eldin Raigmore <eldin_raigmore@...>
Date:Sunday, October 28, 2007, 18:43
In English, at least, "I'm going to ..." carries a more immediate (tense-wise) or
more realis (mood-wise) connotation than "I will ...".

The "I'm going to X" construction comes from a biclausal construction in
which "I am going" was the main clause and "to X" was the purpose-clause
(whether an adjunct clause or a complement clause).

The "I will X" construction comes from a biclausal construction in which "I will",
meaning "I want", was the main clause, and something meaning "to X" was the
complement clause.

The difference is in "I'm going to X" I am already in motion, preparing to do X;
while in "I will X", I merely express my desire and intent to do X -- eventually.

I think that's sort of what you were talking about.  Was it?

And does that help?


Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>