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Travellers' Phrasebook in bhûtsa Sajhîl

From:Geoff Horswood <geoffhorswood@...>
Date:Saturday, May 7, 2005, 8:41
A new language experiment.  Kazakh with Sanskrit/Hindi sound changes and
some grammar shifts.  I'm using it as the main human trade language in the
world where Noygwexaal is the orcish tingue.

Language introduction/phonological guide etc to follow...


Section 1: Pleasantries
Hello!    SRmitha! (informal)
     Shulîkhama! (formal)
Good morning!   ThalR DûNo
Good afternoon!   ThalR DhauNu
Good evening!   ThalR gîSu
Goodbye!     Zaibhala!
Good night!    ThalR thaunu
Yes     îjha
No     wagh
Please    Shil
Thank You    ramdha
You're welcome.   îStaNis
Excuse me/I'm sorry  khaSRNiSa
What is your name?  jana ûthma kham ja?
My name is __.    mana ûthma __ jai.
It's a pleasure to meet you. mun jau dhûnthalu chûthi jai.
How are you?   jau ghîlam ja?
I am well.    mau chûthi jai.
I am not well.   mau chûthi wamSu jai.
Where are you from?  jau dhîn ghauch ja?
I'm from __.   mau dhîn __ jai.

Section 2: Language Difficulties
Do you speak _?   jau TôLhSa _ wa?
Trade/Tradespeech   bhûtsa Sajhîl
Eastern    Zhaukhai Sajhîl
Elvish    vhRlja Sajhîl
Nonggwethaal   NauNghRthala
I (don't) speak _ very well. mau _ chûthi (wamSu) Tôlhmi.
I am learning Tradespeech. mau bhûtsa Sajhla ôrNumi.
I can't say very much (yet). mau (elai) Tifh vhala Tôlhmi.
I (don't) understand.  mau (vhala) caNaShmi.
How do you say __ in Trade? Dhu bhûtsa Sajhla __ ghîlam Takhana?
What does __ mean?  __ na Takhana thûlh?
Could you please __?  jau Shil __ wa?
 repeat that    ghusûlûNSa
 speak more slowly   îculhai TôlhSa
 write it down   enu wauSha
Can you read?   jau aghal thaiSa wa?
Will you read this for me? machna banu aghSa wa?
I can (not) read.   mau aghal (vhala) thaimi.

Section 3: Accommodation
I'm looking for __.  mau __ ôdhatailam.
Where is __?   __ ghauch?
 a camping ground   DauTRl auru
 a guesthouse   mailhama jhutha
 a hotel    mailhama Thurajhu
 an inn    lauthakhi
I'd like __.   mau __ ghûrami.
 a room    bhelamuthi
 a double room   ighRT bhelamuthi
 a single room   pûlRT bhelamuthi
 a twin room    waughala bhelamuthi
How much is it per...?  khu __ gheNîSh daradhi?
 night     thaunu
 person    phaNitha
 week     pauku
Is breakfast included?  mîN pucathi Dûnai temûD pûlukha wa?
May I see the room?  bhelamuthi gûShlu vîlhmi wa?
I don't like it.   machna chûthi wamSu jala.
It's fine; I'll take it. machna chûthi jala; waralami.
I'm leaving now.   mau ghesheR cathmi.
I'm leaving tomorrow.  mau tauRN cathmi.
 private bathroom   waughala yaukhai
 shared bathroom   pûlakhula yaukhai
 (too) expensive   gômafhu
 cheaper    Rjhuna
 discount    aRShîth pucathi

Section 3a: Reservations
To     khu
From     dhîn
Date     DhauNu
I'd like to book __.  mau __ kSaDhalu vîlhmi wa?
In the name of __.  mîN __ ûthmi.
For the nights of __.  khu thaunun __.
For __ nights.   khu __ thaunu.
 surety    aiNudham
Please confirm __.  Shil __ ethauSa.
 availability   jhîZîlu
 price     pucathi