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Re: Werd

From:Estel Telcontar <estel_telcontar@...>
Date:Wednesday, April 30, 2003, 23:46
 --- Barry Garcia wrote:
> So i'm finally getting off my ass and compiling a lexicon for > Saalangal. Here's how i'm doing it. I'm listening to various songs > and writing down the words to the lyrics in a spreadsheet. I order > the spreadsheet by the english word and then delete duplicates. So > far i've gotten words from "Minerva" by the Deftones (hard > rock/metal band).
I've come up with an interesting vocabulary creation method, though I would be very selective in which conlangs I would actually use it in. I used it in my first conlang (intended for secrecy), which I worked on when I was about 10, and use it sometimes in Ikanirae Seru, which is an extension of the same project, fictionally invented by some kids who mostly speak English. I wouldn't use it for something like "Old Starrish", which is spoken by people group in a different world. 1. find a pair of antonyms or neas antonyms, e.g. "warm" and "cold" 2. adapt them to the phonology of the language: "hamu" and "kora" 3. swap the meanings: "hamu" means "cold", "kora" means "warm" Estel ______________________________________________________________________ Post your free ad now!