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Re: Degrees of adjectives

From:# 1 <salut_vous_autre@...>
Date:Friday, February 4, 2005, 20:45
caeruleancentaur wrote:

>I decided that two degrees of comparison were redundant. If they are >not needed in Spanish (or French), they aren't needed in Senyecan.
Yes they exist, they are differenciated by the use of a definite article "Je suis plus rapide que toi" = "Soy más rapido que tú" = "I am faster than you" "Je suis le plus rapide" = "Soy el más rapido" = I'm the fastest
>"Which of these two drinks do you prefer?" >"I prefer the sweeter." >"Prefiero la más dulce." > >"Which of these three drinks do you prefer?" >"I prefer the sweetest." >"Prefiero la más dulce.
I tought that in English the superlative needs a definite article and that the comparative may only be after a verb like "be, become, stay, seem" If not, I don't see any difference between "the sweetest" and "the sweeter" They would mean "the one that is the most sweet" and "the one that is sweeter than the other(s)", the second means also that it is the most sweet... - Max


Muke Tever <hotblack@...>