exclusion of approximants
From: | Josh <jkartes@...> |
Date: | Tuesday, July 18, 2000, 23:46 |
I agree with Chollie: approximants are seemingly nothing more than a
hindrance when it comes to deciding whether or not to make them vowels,
semi-vowels or consonants. Though they exist in Kartesian, I had thought
a couple of times to exclude them. Future languages by me will most
likely not include R and L.
>...> Chollie wrote:
> > Might I suggest that we eliminate approximants? For instance, r could
> >be deleted, perhaps coloring neighboring vowels (like in Boston English)
> and
> >l could be velarized - with subsequent monophthongization of diphthongs? I
> >think that would take us closer to CVCVCV.
> I think the gods of Proto Polynesian would permit loss of r (indeed, it
> happened-- merged with l). Why not velarized? Poly-Latino with an east
> Eur. accent.
-- Josh :)