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Re: IntroductionThanks for the welcome to Conlang. I am very glad I was told about i

From:John Cowan <cowan@...>
Date:Friday, May 23, 2003, 11:29
Christophe Grandsire scripsit:

> I also always read everything on the list, but I'm far from knowing > everything :)) .
Well, no more do I. And Rosta gave (IMNSHO) an explanation of what I'm about (but there are other people on the list who have it too): knowing at least something about almost everything, or encyclopaedic knowledge (which is not quite the same as having swallowed the encyclopaedia!). And if I read everything on the list, it is because I have an entirely undeserved gift of reading quickly, and of being able to read even in distracting circumstances. -- "May the hair on your toes never fall out!" John Cowan --Thorin Oakenshield (to Bilbo)


Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Roger Mills <romilly@...>