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Re: Questions about Schwa and Stress and "y'all"

From:Tristan Alexander McLeay <zsau@...>
Date:Monday, October 15, 2001, 9:01
At 04.14 a.m. 15.10.2001 -0400, you wrote:
> That's funny; I had a discussion with a person about this. See, I'd >never say "thuh apple tree" (something like [D@?&pL=tri]) because it's just >too damn difficult. I also wouldn't say [D&pL=tri] because it just doesn't >sound right. I always say [Di] before words that begin with vowels because >then you can just glide into the word, so you say , [Dij&pL=tri]. It's far >easier and more natural for me.
Yes. I agree entirely. But my dialect does _everything_ in its power to avoid hiatus (I think; two consecutive non-diphthongal vowels). Of course, that isn't to say that the [i] doesn't become a [@] (thus making it [D@j&p@ltSri:]), but the phoneme there must be a /i/ for the glide to get in. Tristan