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Re: Lord of the Rings movie

From:Christopher B Wright <faceloran@...>
Date:Sunday, December 16, 2001, 2:34
> Who in Lothlorien speaks Quenya, besides Galadriel? > Most of the elves there are Avari, if memory serves. > Celeborn is a Grey-elf from Doriath.
Sure, but most Elves spoke Sindarin if born in Middle-Earth (or if they stayed there any amount of time) and Quenya if they were ever in Aman. Some other languages were made in isolated groups (like the Teleri languages), but they weren't spoken much. Celeborn would know Doriathrin, Sindarin, and Quenya, as well as Westron.
> I mean, they can at least, I think of Quenya as the Elvish English.
Well, no; Quenya is Elvish "Latin" if you will, and Sindarin is the lingua franca. However, rare is the elf older than 300 who knows not Quenya and Westron, as well as Sindarin (except perhaps in Aman). I love LotR for the languages and for the world and for the story. Chriaptpehrt Werohgt (see what happens when I try to type quickly?) Christopher Wright


Anton Sherwood <bronto@...>who speaks Quenya?
John Cowan <cowan@...>