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Update: Adjectives

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Tuesday, November 23, 1999, 2:06
I have the adjectives worked out in Saalangal (but not full and complete,
yet). It's similar to how Tagalog does it, but i have made up my own.

[NOTE]: In the following examples, the ' represents a glottal stop, and
the =B4 represents the accent.

Adjectives and Adverbs:

        These are treated the same. There really is no difference, as an
adjective can become an adverb, just by being linked to a verb. Most
adjectives/adverbs have a prefix ('do-' which comes from the word 'd=F3la=
meaning "having, posessing") attached, which distinguishes them as
adjectives-adverbs. A few adjectives/adverbs don't have this prefix.
Adjectives/adverbs can come before, or after the word they modify (with
verbs, usually before), and are linked to the word they modify (with the
linker nu/ng). =20

A sample sentence:

- Dod=E1eng nu kinukul=EDsu =E9san. - I ran quickly. (lit. Quickly [linke=
r] ran


        The degrees of the adjectives are inferior, inequal, equal, superior. Al=
except the equality degree use prefixes, that do not need conjunctors.

The following example just shows the inferior degree. If you want to read
more, go to:

Inferiority: Created with the prefix 'niu-' which comes from the word for
"less" (ni=FAsok).The word for "than" can be used, or omitted (when omitt=
markers become very important).=20

- Miguel is less quick than Lana - Niudod=E1eng nu tu Migel posump=E1' pi
Lana. (lit. Less quick [linker] [subj. marker] Miguel than [non-subj.
marker] Lana)


- Miguel is less quick than Lana - Niudod=E1eng nu tu Migel pi Lana. (lit.
Less quick [linker] [subj. marker] Miguel [non-subj. marker] Lana).

To change subject and non-subject, just change their markers. So, Miguel
would get 'pi' and Lana would get 'tu'.=20

Word order is fairly loose, since changing the order of the names, doesn'=
change who is the subject, and who is the non-subject:

-Miguel is less quick than Lana - Niudod=E1eng nu pi Lana tu Migel. (lit.
Less quick [linker] [non-subj. marker] Lana [subj. marker] Miguel. )

More is on the page address I gave.


'The beginning calls for courage; the end demands care'