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obscene linguistics.

From:B Elliott Walker <umwalk05@...>
Date:Thursday, February 24, 2000, 1:36
hello there peoples.... i haven't posted for a while, due to lack of
interest in matters of phonology and nasalisation, but i'm still alive!
today, as i was browsing the stacks at my Uni library, i came upon a book of
'defamatory essays presented to james mccawley'. it's from edmonton,
alberta, circa 1971. i went to the trouble of transcribibg an article from
it called 'Copulative sentences in English: a germanic language spoken in
northern delaware' because it's so sick/amusing. now we'll all know what
canuck linguists do in the throes of cabin fever... if you can't read rtf
format and you're really curious, send me an off-list email and i'll see if
i can convert it for you.

pâtakimwukêc atimwêšup apiyêšupim ecanukwûpôk?
